
Showing posts from 2017

September Research Project

PBL   (PROJECT BASED LEARNING) The old-school model of learning facts and reciting them out of context is no longer helpful to prepare the kiddos to survive in today's world. Solving highly complex problems requires that they have both fundamental skills (reading, writing, and math) and 21st century skills (teamwork, problem solving, research gathering, time management, information synthesizing, utilizing high tech tools).  With this combination of skills, our kiddos have become directors and managers of their learning process, guided and mentored by us ( teachers and parents). This month the kiddos used their PBL techniques to research and favorite sport or extra curricular activity . We love doing this research project at the start of the school year to better understand our kiddos interests outside of school. We could not of asked for better presentations. They were amazing!!! We had some google slides presentations, cartoon shows, posters, trifold poster boards, and so many mor

SeeSaw In the Class

Seesaws aren't just for the playground anymore!!! This week we introduced our new digital portfolios . We will once again be using SeeSaw but we are now working with the district to implement more activities at a higher thinking level. We are very excited to be involved with this special cohort. For the students' first entry they learned how to use the app, picCollage. They took a selfie, added adjectives that describe them, and then finished by adding colorful stickers. When this was completed they could download it into their new SeeSaw account. Once the entry was approved by us, the parents could see the fabulous work their child had done.  We love technology , we love home/school connection, and we love making lesson fun!

New stories, new vocab, new fun!

The year is officially up and rolling . We have been busy ( a good busy) introducing so many ways for our kiddos to be more independent. This week, we introduced a new vocabulary activity. At the start of the week the new book has new vocab to be learned prior to reading the story. The kiddos have a trifold with all the words ( and some definitions). They must use their chromebooks and look up the word in the ConnectED folder ( accessed through  " single sign on") This is an awesome way to learn because there are definitions, sentences, pictures, videos, and more. It makes learning so easy and more importantly FUN. After a word has been looked up, the kiddos get to decide if they want to write a definition, copy a sentence, write a new sentence , create an inference example or challenge themselves with an "ask" question that is on the WONDERS website. We love all the ways to challenge our higher thinking students. 

2017-2018...... It's going to be an aMAZing year!

The year has been wonderful so far. We have the most amazing class of kiddos. The rule review week has been going well and each day the kiddos are getting a little more independent.We can't wait for the amazing adventures this year with these kiddos. Let the fun begin!


Spread Your Wings And Fly   We were fortunate enough to get the caterpillars that were with us during Olive's science night. Each kiddo got to pick, name and share his/her desk with his/her new caterpillar friend. Once each caterpillar turned into a chrysalis , it was transported into the mesh cage until it was time to spread their wings.   We were delighted to release our first butterflies last week.  At first they were a bit hesitant to leave their third grade friends and our welcoming classroom, but once they felt the warm sun on their wings, off they went.  We watched healthy butterflies bid us farewell, but one hung out for a while, perched high on an oak tree, for our viewing pleasure.  It's been an exciting mini unit about butterflies and the variety of life cycles.   

May quote


reSHAPE Your Thinking

 reSHAPE you brain power!!!   For today's math test prep review we decide to throw away the worksheet ( something we live to do) and let the brain verbally and visually answer the questions . First, the kiddos watched a clip about geometric 2D and 3D shapes. We discussed faces, vertices, and sides.       After learning about 2D and 3D shapes, we built them using toothpicks and marshmallows! Each partner groupwas given a plate, toothpicks and marshmallows and allowed to let their creativity flow! This lesson allowed the kiddos to think critically and covered several common core Geometry standards. We also allowed the kiddos to use  some shape building cards.The kiddos were able to look at the shape first, then build it.      After all eight 2D shapes were constructed, the kiddos proceeded to construct 3D shapes! Overall, anytime they get to construct and create to show what they know.... is a good day   

Our Brains Are SOARING

Our Brains Are Soaring!   Inside the Outdoors is a unique, hands-on environmental education program administered by the Orange County Department of Education.   Its mission is to empower kiddos, teachers, parents, and the community to explore natural areas and expand their knowledge, understanding, and stewardship of the environment. Inside the Outdoors curriculum is designed to support the current California state standards and allows students to interact with these concepts in a real world setting.   This year our class was able to be visited by this amazing group. This particular assembly was titled - FEATHERS. The kiddos  discovered what makes birds unique as they work cooperatively and visit different lab stations to learn about the natural history of birds. The Traveling Scientists even brought live birds to show the students their special adaptations.    After a quick introduction , vocabulary review, and rule review the students got to really get a hands-on lesson. Each child w

Quote of the Month


Live Cam in Action

This last week our class started our morning routine with our morning work. It was a comprehension piece about Sea Otters.  A lesson that normally takes 5-10 minutes turned into 20! One of the question's asked was about KELP. Only one student had actually seen KELP ( she had been up to Monterey , CA). Only about 10 had ever seen seaweed ( I was trying to integrate inference )so we decided to turn to some technology for help.    We brainstormed with our partners different places we could go to on the web to find out more about sea otters and KELP. There was so much information and better yet, so many illustrations and video clips to broaden our "horizons" on this particular subject. Our personal favorite was a live video cam streaming from the Monterey Bay Aquarium. We watch the cutest little animals roll around in their KELP. So one question about a simple vocabulary word like KELP turned into such an amazing lesson for all of us , not just the students.   Later that same

Perfect Parachuting

Perfect Parachuting for Thrill Seeking Gummy Bears     This week our kiddos were able to work again on the STEAM Design Process.  They reviewed all of the steps of the process and were given a challenge to solve.  They utilized the steps in the design process to design a parachute for a gummy bear that was to  stay in the air as long as possible and safely land the gummy bear.  Since we are currently learning about space and how astronauts have ( in the past) landed and how currently NASA equipment is carefully brought back into the atmosphere, this was a perfect lesson.    They worked in groups to research how parachutes work and then began to brainstorm and design their own parachute.     After the kiddos took their materials and created fabulous designs on paper, it was time to put the engineering process into action. All five groups made wonderful ( and one comfy one with extra tape pillow) parachutes! Each group CEO was in charge of carrying it to the top of the ramp for " dr


ART MASTERS AT OLIVE    Art masters came to Olive last week to teach our kiddos about the artist Joan Miro. He was a Spanish painter and sculptor in the late 1800s and early 1900s.  Much of his work was Surrealism. The kiddos participated in 3 steps: Step one All grade assembly  The Art Masters experience began with a multi-media assembly using engaging Powerpoint slides, artist voices and music where the children learn about the fascinating lives and famous works of the Master Artists.  Interactive questions and multi-media content captivated the students while walking through a virtual museum filled with interesting stories and facts. An art background is not necessary because all lesson plans are scripted, illustrated and timed. There was new art vocabulary, artist name cards, and  art elements taught.   Step two: In class lesson After the kiddos got a true connection to the artist, it was time to introduce the techniques which made the art. Back in the classroom, they worked on a m

SILENT E.....shhhhhhhh

         SUPER SILENT E!!!!!! The kiddos were introduced to the silent e today during language arts.  We watched a short video from  The Electric Company  (brings back some memories, doesn't it?) that highlighted how the silent e changes a vowel's sound.  Afterwards we brainstormed some short vowel words then used the silent e to change the word.   Then we decided to make masks and BECOME the super sneaky silent E. we had a lot of fun changing a short vowel to a long vowel just with the silent E..... plus wearing a " costume" can make any lesson a wee bit more fun!