Live Cam in Action

This last week our class started our morning routine with our morning work. It was a comprehension piece about Sea Otters.  A lesson that normally takes 5-10 minutes turned into 20! One of the question's asked was about KELP. Only one student had actually seen KELP ( she had been up to Monterey , CA). Only about 10 had ever seen seaweed ( I was trying to integrate inference )so we decided to turn to some technology for help.


 We brainstormed with our partners different places we could go to on the web to find out more about sea otters and KELP. There was so much information and better yet, so many illustrations and video clips to broaden our "horizons" on this particular subject. Our personal favorite was a live video cam streaming from the Monterey Bay Aquarium. We watch the cutest little animals roll around in their KELP.
So one question about a simple vocabulary word like KELP turned into such an amazing lesson for all of us , not just the students.

Later that same day in science we were reading 2 different articles (about a giraffe and gorilla ) and preparing to write an opinion paragraph about which animal was the best . As the students began to write, I was able to find a gorilla live cam from the Houston Zoo. I put the link up on our webpage. That night I had  several kiddos who went on to watch the gorillas . 



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