Happy Birthday Johnny Appleseed

Happy Birthday Johnny Appleseed!

Today we read about Johnny Appleseed. We are kind of biased because we are teachers, but boy aren't apples the most fabulous fruit around. 


After we read about Johnny Chapman ( the name he was given at birth) . We realized this was a perfect day to investigate apples a little bit more. We ventured out to Olive's STEAM lab to become investigators.

First we got to observe an apple that had been sitting out during the morning. We could already see how it was beginning to turn a bit brown and shrivel up. We held it, smelled it and looked closely at it so we could ask / answer why we thought it had turned brown.

We then wrote out steps we would take to come up with a solution to make it stay fresh. 
 We took turns investigating the 4 types of liquids .

Individually , we jotted down our observations. Then as a class we shared out our thoughts and charted them.

In the end we made the conclusion that water definitely allows the apple to stay its freshest.

What do you think your conclusion would be?



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