Keep it flowing..... With a FLOW MAP

Flow Map

The flow map is used for sequencing and ordering information. Kiddos can use it to identify the relationships between stages and substages of an event (or order or numbers, operations, steps, etc.) They can be used to explain the order of events. 

This map can be used to plot a story, show historical events in sequences, steps in problem solving math, identify stages of a life cycle and much more. This map can be applied to all subject areas. The best part about it, is that it can be used as a note taking tool before a test and even sometimes DURING a test to help clarify what the story is about.
Luckily for us, flow maps are introduced during 2 nd grade by our fabulous second grade team . This allows us to reintroduce it and take it to the next level in third grade.


Most recently we used a whole group flow map while reading , " There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Frog" we love doing this whole group so all kiddos can get involved. As we read the story and hear what the old lady swallows next ,the student holding that picture gets to add it to the chart.


Then throughout the year when we need to sequence anything we are learning about, the kiddos can create one on their own or in a small group


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