Daily 5- building stamina
Daily 5
We started The Daily 5 this year in third grade
and we are soooo excited about it!
This is what we have been doing each day.
We created a read to self anchor chart. We talked about urgency and the importance of reading.
We talked about student/teacher expectations during this time and how to build our stamina. Stamina is doing anything for a long period of time without getting tired or giving. Our kiddos needed to get to 20 minutes before we introduced the next daily 5 task, work on writing.
Sense of Urgency: Why do we read?
1. Become better readers and writers
2. It is fun!
3. It makes us happy!
4. Practice skills
5. Work on fluency
Students should (We use body language to help them remember the rules):
1. Read the whole time (make your arms circle big above and around your head)
2. Stay in one spot (point to the ground)
3. Read quietly (whisper and show shhhhhh signal with pointer finger at your mouth)
4. Build stamina (show muscles)
5. Sit by themselves (point to themselves)
6. Follow directions quickly (snap and say it quickly)
Teachers should:
1. Work with students
2. Listen to kids read
3. Help you with reading
Our kiddos did great and by the second week had started work on writing.
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