How full is your "BUCKET"

Last week we read the book " How Full Is Your Bucket?". It is about a boy who begins to see how every interaction in a day either fills or empties his bucket . He then realizes that everything he says or does to other people fills or empties their buckets as well. 

So the idea behind the buckets is that we all have an imaginary one that is a part of us.  Throughout our day we are either "filled" or "dipped" from by the people around us, and the experiences we go through.  Saying something nice to a friend, adds a drop to their bucket (and yours!).  Say unkind words to a friend and their bucket has just been dipped from (and yours!)  The goal is try to and keep a full bucket and to help those around as have one as well.  

After reading the book, the kiddos got their own buckets and had to come up with one way they fill people's buckets. 

We got some great ideas. Check some out:


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